“CultureInvent successfully helped us create clear step-by-step guidance for implementing culture transformation.”
Ihsan Mutaharrik
COO, Strategis
“CultureInvent has had a major influence on ETU’s development and expansion in the area of human resource management, ensuring that the institution consistently adheres to its own standards and supports ETU Core Values as a fundamental principles. All of the institution’s needs and issues are truly met by the high calibre of advice and services offered. CultureInvent is honoured by the institution. Thank you.”
Agi Pandiya
COO, English Talker United
“Training yang dibawakan tim CultureInvent sangat menyenangkan dan penuh insight.”
CEO, Neosoft Indonesia
“Incredible consultant who has contributed a lot to Euromedica Group, especially in developing our Human Capital. Highly recommended.”
Benny Winata
CEO, Euromedica Group